Media relations represent the most visible aspect of all public relations. Relations with the media perform an extremely important task that concerns the perception of a company or organization in the media – they build and nurture daily relationships with journalists, which, along with other relationships with other publics, are the foundation of media representation. It is very important that the organization/firm is accessible and transparent and that sufficient time is devoted to communication in order to provide all relevant information. In this way, the organization/firm becomes a reliable source of information that journalists will regularly turn to for cooperation.
Mass media are an indispensable part of modern society, they develop along with society, and thus the way of cooperation also develops. According to its form, relations with the media can be immediate (direct), indirect, reactive and relations with the media in crisis situations, which is a completely separate area. Of the direct ones, there are the appointment and reception of journalists, briefings, press conferences, interviews, study visits. They can also be reactive, when you answer questions, make statements about an event or topic you are asked to comment on.
How much you are willing to invest in your relationship with the media is what you will get out of it.
There are some golden rules that should be followed at all times: tell the truth, never give unofficial, so-called “off record” information, every statement coming from your company/organization must be official, check every information you send to the media several times.
The most important things should always be highlighted first, thus you will help the positive promotion of what you are talking about and also the editor (journalist) to better shape the news.
If we reduce media relations to a few points, it would look like this:
• Familiarize yourself with the media image (media map) of the country
• Determine the main target media and collect their: contact data, names, columns…
• Get to know journalists and build collegial, partnership relations
• Take care of the need of the media (to have quality content of current information)
• Prepare your organization and its representatives, or the client, for media appearances
• Prepare yourself to always have adequate knowledge, information about the topic and answer.
Plan the time and launch the news, statement or announcement only if it is really “strong”.